Becoming a FOS member
Friends of Soqotra currently has approximately 100 members, individual and institutional.
Membership entitles you to the newsletter, Tayf, and to participate in the Annual General Meeting. The AGM is the occasion when decisions are taken concerning those activites which Friends of Soqotra wishes to support in the coming year. The newsletter and AGM provide an opportunity for those interested in Soqotra to exchange views and, in addition, we use emails during the year to keep our members in touch with each other.
The annual membership fee is 30 GBP, or equivalent 35 Euro or 40 USD. In addition to projects supporting the sustainable development of the Soqotra Archipelago, the funds of the organisation are used to produce and distribute the newsletter (which is published in both English and Arabic and is also distributed free on Soqotra).
We welcome new members. If you wish to join, please contact the Membership Secretary via e-mail. The annual member fee can be paid online by PayPal or in cash during the Friends of Soqotra Annual Meeting.

EUR 35 annual

USD 40 annual