Welcome to the Friends of Soqotra website

The Friends of Soqotra association (FOS) is a registered charity established to promote the sustainable use and conservation of the natural environment of the Soqotra Archipelago, and to support sustainable improvement in the standard of living of the people of the Soqotra Archipelago.

FOS is based in Great Britain but has members from many different European countries, the Middle East, Africa and America. The group was formed in 2001 in order to bring together people with a scientific background and those with a more general interest in the Archipelago of Soqotra.

This website provides information about ongoing scientific research on the UNESCO World Heritage Site Soqotra, including data, a bibliography and contact details for institutions and research teams. You will find news about FOS activities, links to other international networks and new publications.

+++ 20th anniversary of our "Tayf" newsletter +++

All Tayf newsletters are available here

Templates for FOS project proposals

Friends of Soqotra is supporting small projects to improve the livelihood of its inhabitants. Under "Activities" you can find an overview about all projects FOS carried out from 2004. Making it easier to apply for FOS support we provide templates in form of word documents, both in English and Arabic. Please use these forms in the future, and send your ideas to FOS or take them to our next meeting. Do not hesitate to contact FOS if questions come up!
Template in English Leaflets in Arabic
Soqotra Soqotra
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the material on this website is accurate, Friends of Soqotra cannot be held re-sponsible for any errors. However, if you become aware of any errors then please do notify us by using the ‘Contact’ button above.
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